Quantum Physics III. Winter Semester 2007-2008

Links to other previous and current courses: (click here)

Final exam:
January 18, 23, 24, room CE101.
Schedule (PDF file)
Exam rules and topics: PostScript, PDF.

Course schedule:
Thursday 12-14 (lectures), room CE 103
Tuesday 13-15 (exercises), room CE 104

Lecturer: Prof. Dmitri Ivanov
tel: 3-3419, office: PH-H2-497, e-mail: dmitri.ivanov (at) epfl.ch
Assistant: Samuel Bieri
e-mail: samuel.bieri (at) epfl.ch

Course program:
1. Quasiclassical approximation
2. Scattering theory

Recommended textbooks:
L.D.Landau, E.M.Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory, Vol. 3, Third Edition
G.Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics

Helpful textbook on complex analysis:
P.Henrici, Applied and computational complex analysis.
This three-volume book explains computing integrals by the residue method,
the saddle-point approximation (with the Airy function as an example)
and other helpful info on complex analysis.

Good reading on quasiclassical approximation and analytic continuation method:
M.V.Berry and K.E.Mount, Reports on Progress in Physics, v35(1), p.315 (1972) [link to the PDF file (via EPFL subscription)]

Some references for the course topics: (text file)

Problem sets:

Previous and forthcoming lectures:
written and maintained by D.Ivanov. Last updated: 17.01.2008.