Quantum Physics IV. Summer Semester 2006

Links to other previous and current courses: (click here)

Exam schedule:
Friday and Saturday, July 21-22, room CE101
Exam rules and questions: PostScript, PDF.

Course schedule:
Tuesday 8-10 (lectures), room CE 105
Tuesday 10-11 (exercises), room CE 105

Lecturer: Prof. Dmitri Ivanov
tel: 3-3419, office: PH-H2-497, e-mail: dmitri.ivanov (at) epfl.ch
Assistant: Benoit Crouzy
e-mail: benoit.crouzy (at) epfl.ch

Course program:
1. Path integral in quantum mechanics. Green's functions and perturbation theory. Feynman diagrams.
2. Elements of quantum field theory. Bosonic and fermionic integrals.

Recommended textbooks and notes:
[1] R.P.Feynman and A.R.Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals
[2] R.MacKenzie, Path Integral Methods and Applications, quant-ph/0004090
[3] V.I.Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics (Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No 60)
[4] F.Mila, Mecanique quantique avancee, lecture notes
[5] H.Kleinert and A.Chervyakov, Simple explicit formulas for Gaussian Path Integrals with Time-Dependent Frequencies , quant-ph/9803016 (html version -- may be easier to read)
[6] R.Rajaraman, Solitons and Instantons
[7] Lecture notes by B.Simons "Concepts in theoretical physics" [Chapters 1-4] (available HERE)
[8] J.W.Negele and H.Orland, Quantum many-particle systems (Westview Press, 1998) [Chapter 1]
[9] L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifshits, Quantum Mechanics
[10] Y.Imry, Introduction to mesoscopic physics

Problem sets (bi-weekly):

Previous and forthcoming lectures (+relevant references):
Last updated: 05.06.2006.