Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Maurice Rice

Prof. em. Dr.  Thomas Maurice Rice

Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Maurice Rice

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics

ETH Zürich

Institut für Theoretische Physik

HIT K 43.1

Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27

8093 Zürich


Additional information

T. Maurice Rice was Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH Zurich, beginning 1981. He retired end of March 2004.

T. M. Rice was born on January 26, 1939 in Ireland and is an American citizen. He studied physics at University College Dublin, Ireland, and earned his doctorate from Cambridge University, England, in 1964. After a two year period as postdoctoral researcher under Professor Walter Kohn, University of California at San Diego, he transferred to the Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ, USA. During his 15 years at Bell Labs he was employed in various departments as researcher and department head.

His research interests lie in the theoretical explanation of the physics of condensed matter with particular emphasis on metal-insulator transitions, optically excited semiconductors and materials with charge and spin density waves. Since his appointment as Professor Ordinarius of theoretical physics at the ETH Zurich, his research has concentrated on the theory of strongly correlated fermions, especially on the microscopic theory of high temperature superconductors.

Memberships: Honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy, member of the National Academy of Sciences,USA and Fellow of the Royal Society. He has been awarded the Hewlett-Packard Europhysics Prize(1998) and the John Bardeen Prize for superconductivity theory(2000).

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